Sunday, November 27, 2011

"The Walking Dead" Midseason Finale (What a Bunch of Crap That Is) Is Tonight


The above is the link to Ken Tucker's preview about tonight's midseason finale of "The Walking Dead". Tucker writes it's pretty much awful until the final scene. I've included the link so you can form your own opinion. After tonight this zombie show is going on extended hiatus until February 12th. There's no truth to the rumor that the actors playing the main characters are actually zombies. If tonight's episode sucks will you be back in February? I know that season 3 has already been green lighted, can they un green light it?

I keep on watching this show because it has so much potential. However it has failed to deliver on that potential for so long, I'm starting to doubt it ever will. Tonight will be the 7th episode dealing with the Sophia gone missing story line. That may be the most boring story line on any of AMC's original programming. If that hasn't resolved by tonight, it will be a travesty. Honestly it should have lasted no more than 2 or 3 episodes. It's the kind of story line that makes me wonder if Veena Sud has become the show runner for this show. She's the awful show runner for "The Killing".

Tonight's episode title for "The Walking Dead" is sort of a self preview. It's titled "Pretty Much Dead Already". Why does that phrase seem like it will be part of another one of those boring, drama sucking speeches by Lori Grimes? She's not the best character in the graphic novels, but the actress playing her has reduced her to a little more than a stock character. It doesn't get worse than a terrible actor playing a terrible character. If "The Walking Dead" somehow survives the Lori Grimes character needs a much better actress. Can they find a new actress to play this role starting when this show starts again on February 12th? This show needs a Kate Austen or an Ana Lucia.

Meanwhile I continue working through "Lost". I watched Season 3, episode 3 last night. It's the one titled "Further Instructions". The flashbacks are for Locke where he realizes he's more of a farmer than a hunter. After being in a sweat lodge Boone comes and tells him he has to go clean up his own mess. To do that Locke has to save Mr. Kko, who has been dragged away by a polar bear. Locke and Charlie go to a cave and save Mr. Eko from the polar bear.

In thinking about the comparison and contrast between the characters of those two series is amazing. That's one of the many reasons why "Lost" is so much better than "The Walking Dead". Look at the great and interesting characters in "Lost". There's Locke, Sawyer, Jack, Mr. Eko, Kate, Ana Lucia etc. It really has no awful characters, although I don't miss Micheal or Walt. Now let's look at the interesting characters in "The Walking Dead". There's, um huh.... Both Rick and Shane could be interesting but they do too much talking and don't get enough action. Could you imagine "Lost" have a 7 episode arc about a missing character that leads to a bunch of dead ends?

Now let's look at the awful characters in "The Walking Dead". The lame T-Dog, the opinionated stupid Dale, the Kurtzian Hershel, the above mentioned Lori, Sophia, Sophia's Mom and up until now Carl Grimes. Although he did get a little spark of life in the last episode. I'm hoping at least two of those characters become zombie food when hopefully the zombies get out of the barn tonight.

Two more quick things. I went and saw a couple of movies over the weekend. One of the most polarizing movies in a long time seems to be "Hugo". I want and saw it with 3 friends Friday night and we all agreed that it was awful. It's dreadfully boring and it doesn't know what kind of movie it wants to be. It starts out as a kid film, but about halfway through it changes to a movie honoring the silent movie era. There's only the most tenuous link between the two vastly different halves of the movie.

The movie is directed by Martin Scorcese so he obviously usually knows what he's doing. I also can see what kind of movie he was trying to make here. In the core of the movie lies a great story, but the execution is terrible. (Wow that reminds me exactly of "The Walking Dead".)

I also went and watched "The Muppets" last night and that was a much better movie. I loved the show as a kid, especially the two old men in the balcony. They don't see enough time in this movie though. But overall this was a pretty good movie. I liked a lot of the music in the movie. So much so that I was listening to Muppets music on Spotify last night. The Muppets Christmas music is also pretty good.

Here are a couple of my favorite Muppet songs ever. I feel a bit silly but I absolutely love "The Rainbow Connection":

This is probably favorite song from the movie:

"Man or Muppet":


1 comment:

Justin M said...

Hugo just became available on Netflix and we were able to watch it over the weekend. I had heard a lot of bad reviews and went in with low expectations. All three of us thought it was a great movie and were surprised at how much we enjoyed it.
