Monday, December 2, 2019

(Started December 1st, 2019) The Best Debut CDs Of All-Time In Alphabetical Order, Part 4


Yes it's another blog topic that I won't finish quickly, but hopefully finish eventually, is the best debut CDs of all-time. I originally was going to organize the CDs from best to worst, but I don't have that much time. Thus I'll be organizing them in alphabetical order. I scoured rankings/lists from Ranker, and to come up with this list. There are also a few CDs that came to me on their own. On previous blogs for this topic I've mentioned other CDs that came close to being greatest CDs ever, but they just fell a bit short.

1989 was the year of Neil Young's "Freedom", Don Henley's "The End of the Innocence, The Pixies' "Doolittle", The Rolling Stones "Steel Wheels" and Nine Inch Nails "Pretty Hate Machine". Thus when Neneh Cherry's "Raw Like Sushi" came out in the middle of the year it sounded like nothing else that year. For that reason and because it's brimming with so many great songs Neneh Cherry's "Raw Like Sushi" is definitely a greatest debut CD. Too bad she's had a hit and miss career since then, because 13) "Raw Like Sushi" is a stone cold classic.
"So Here I Come":

"Kisses On The Wind":


"Buffalo Stance":


"Outre Risque Locomotive":

Chesnutt actually had a previous CD "Doing My Country Thing". I've been a fan of Chesnutt for several years and this is the first time I have ever heard of that CD. hardly has even any information about it, thus I've decided not to count that. 14) Mark Chesnutt "Too Cold At Home":
"Brother Jukebox":

"Too Cold At Home":

"Blame It On Texas":

"Your Love Is A Miracle":

"Broken Promised Land":

"Too Good A Memory":

"Danger At My Door":

15) The Counting Crows "August & Everything Else":
"Round Here":
"A Murder of One":
"Rain King":
"Raining In Baltimore":
"Mr. Jones":
"Anna Begins":
"Time and Time Again":


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