Sunday, July 25, 2010

More musical thoughts


The following is a comment posted on about the above video: "my wife is angry all the time... kids... bills... stress... economy... it weighs heavy on our minds... 9 years ago when she and i said forever i got butterflies... ask me about forever today and i will tell that forever stopped on a wednesday morning over a fight about cheese... turned out the butterflies i mentioned was just gas... she took half my stuff and the lawyer took half of my only half... but on the bright side my motorcycle doest care about cheese and wouldn`t say nothing if it did..."

This video doesn't need any commentary from me. However to the character. When the marriage or relationship is over, you just got to let it go. There's no point in holding on to something dead, it took me awhile and counseling to get to that point. Like the airplane, you should have thrown the wedding ring out the window as well. Once I found out my divorce was final, 4 days after it was actually final, I took it off my finger and dropped it on the floor. I think it's still there. It has no sentimental value to me now. I've deleted all e-mails and anything she wrote me as well. It's all part of the post divorce catharsis. Then when the character says "I'm just not ready" when his co-worker offers to introduce him to another woman, boy do I understand that. I'm not ready to date and don't know when I will be.

I love this song, so I'm glad I can listen to it again:

I then stumbled across this video and for some comic relief:

My daughter is only 9, but the thought of her dating is on my mind constantly. I'm sad that I won't be there either for the most part as she goes through that process.

To my kids:

Hopefully back to music, movie and reading commentary on my next blog.


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