Sunday, July 11, 2010

"Shutter Island", "The Passage" and To My Future Wife, The Minions Deserve Their Own Movie!


Here's my excerpt from (A cool site to check out if you love reading.) This is about "Shutter Island". Boy was this book a lot different than I expected. The story went somewhere completely unexpected. One of those books you think about long after you are done reading with it. I would highly recommend that you read it. I'm tempted to watch the movie to see what they add and subtract book. I thought they did a fairly good job making Dennis Lehane's "Mystic River" into a movie. But the book is still a lot better. Read it.

I also watched the movie the other day and this was a much better book to movie adaptation than "Mystic River" was. And I thought "Mystic River" was a much better book. Martin Scorsese directing and Leo Dicaprio and Mark Ruffalo acting, what an amazing job by all 3. (I almost forgive you Leo for that gigantic piece of crap you were in called "Titanic". Also his new movie "Inception" looks pretty damn cool, which is not the same as a damn thing. The early reviews are in and people are giving it a big thumbs up. I think I'm going to go see it this weekend. ) Both the book and the movie of "Shutter Island" are pretty good. I would suggest to read the book before watching the movie though.

To my future wife:

"The Passage":

I loved, loved, loved this book, but I was disappointed by how the characters kept on being diluted and rotated. They were constantly changing, a minor grievance though.

I would definitely recommend this book, but then I would also recommend to wait at least a year before you read it. I read it quickly and now I have to wait for Book 2 in the trilogy to come out. I love some of these characters like Michael (aka Circuit or Lugnut) Alicia, Theo and a few others. Now I'll be thinking about them, wondering what will happen with them. I know it's just fiction and these "aren't real people" but I still do care.

I would suggest to read the book though eventually.

This movie looks so cool:

One more movie note: "Despicable Me" was one of the best kid movies that I've even seen. It has a good story and the plot is entertaining to both adults and kids. There's a lot of humor in it. But the best thing is the Minions, they rule. I'm calling for it now, the Minions deserve their own movie. (Although the previews include a trailer for a Smurfs movie, seriously that's how desperate Hollywood is for story ideas now?)

Also after being a big fan of the World Cup, today's finale was sort of blah. Every one seemed to be going through the motions, the stadium was maybe two-thirds filled- at least that's the way it looked on TV. The best description about the game is "plodding". Congrats to Spain for the victory. After an exciting lead up to the finale, I just wish the finale had more panache and power. If it had been any more boring I would have thought it was an NBA Finals game.


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