Friday, July 30, 2010

"American Idol" Change Ups


So we have Ellen DeGeneres leaving "American Idol" and Jennifer Lopez joining the show all in the same day. Ellen leaving is confirmed, Jennifer joining "AI" is just rumor. Now comes a rumor that Steven Tyler will be replacing Kara DiaGuardia. I don't know if that's true, but it would be good for Tyler to explain to Kara what "old Aerosmith" music is. (See "AI" Season 8). There were also rumors that Jessica Simpson was going to join the show. I could only see them making that move if they wanted the show killed. Would they really want a judge that would make Paula and Randy appear Mensa eligible? Allowing Jessica Simpson to be a judge would be like burning down your own house. The only reason you'd do it is if you were desperate and needed the money. Could you imagine a panel with Kara, Randy and Jessica?

Apparently an official announcement will come Monday morning, maybe. Now it looks like it won't. No Fox is probably going to stretch this out as long as possible, can you name one other show on Fox? That's my point exactly. Fox is going to milk this for all the attention it can get. I'd be okay with J Lo on the panel. I don't know how Steven Tyler wouldn't be anything but a distraction. The two things I want the most is to get rid of Kara DiaGuardia and Randy Jackson once and for all. (If one spell checks DiaGuardia, one of the optional words is discard. It's also a good idea.) Have you noticed with all this buzz going on about "AI" now, hardly a word has been said about Randy Jackson? I think that's for two reasons: 1) He's such a lightweight that people barely think about him. 2) He has a contract for the upcoming season already. So using a corporate America idea, why pay two people to do one job when you only have to pay one. Although Jackson is probably the worst judge in "AI" history. Has he made one helpful or articulate comment yet? Will he?

Also Entertainment Weekly columnist Ken Tucker suggests that "AI" should be canceled. I agree that it should be canceled, but this should be the last season. 10 is a good round number. They can hype it up, have guest mentors each week and have amazing special guests. (In other words no more Ke$ha.) They can let all the Idols who released new music to come on the show to give their music a boost. They really do a poor job promoting past contestants. Lee DeWyze is really going to need the help. He's just not ready to be a star and I don't know if he ever will be.

The thing most needed is some truly talented people. When last season's winner is Lee DeWyze and with Danny Gokey finishing so high, what does that say about the talent level? And allowing 15 year olds to try out is just a desperate idea. Why doesn't "Idol" beat "X Factor" to the punch and instead allow older contestants? Here's a really crazy idea, bring back some past contestants and give them another shot. Lowering the age able to try out is desperate, but some desperate moves need to be made. This show is on life support. As Tucker suggests this show needs to end soon. It's about to become a parody of itself and I don't think J Lo and Steven Tyler have enough charisma or star power to reverse the decline.


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