Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!: All Sides of Love


I'm not sure what it is but my Valentine's Day has been great so far. I exercised this morning and that put me on a natural high. A natural high that I've remained on even after going to the doctors and then to work. And that feeling has been with me throughout the rest of my day, even though I'm still at work. And although I'm not in a relationship at this point, and not even close honestly, it's still been a great day. Along with the natural high the songs I've heard today were better than they usually were. I know it sounds like I'm in love, but honestly I'm not.

Despite my good feeling I don't want to fill a whole blog with sappy love songs, I've already written those blogs. Also I'll have to admit that there aren't many things better than a great love song. This blog will have some of those love songs, but also songs from all other sides of love. Enjoy and have an amazing Valentine's Day.

I'm starting with the nearly incomparable Adele today. A great voice and I love her off the cuff personality. This is "If It Hadn't Been For Love":

Oh Tracy Chapman where did you go? Her debut album is a Top 500 all-time album for sure. From that CD, this is "For My Lover":

That's enough love songs dealing with spending time in jail, but what are some of the extremes you would go through for the person you love? Would you go 500 miles?

Would you do anything for love?:

Let's hope your love doesn't have regrets, a great song by Celine Dion:

Seriously love shouldn't have regrets:

The bad side of love, more than just having regrets. As Frank Sinatra sings, "regrets, I have a few". So do Skid Row:

Sadly love usually comes with many regrets, Love has many regrets, because there are so many questions involved with love including "Is This Love":

Sometimes those regrets go further than they should, you should never be "Uninvited":

The good sides of love, starting with just the sight of someone that makes your day:

From jail to long journeys we go through for love to the sappy, great time of love. Plain White T's "Hey There Delilah":

"You're The Inspiration":

My favorite love song:

Some of the best love advice ever comes from Depeche Mode. Oh how I wished I would have learned to "Enjoy The Silence" sooner:

Roberta Flack "Killing Me Softly":

Carpenters "Superstar":

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