Monday, April 1, 2013

"The Walking Dead" Season 3 Finale: Well It Could Have Been Worse


I'll start this blog off with something positive. "The Walking Dead" Season 2 finale was amazing.

Last night was the Season 3 finale of "The Walking Dead" The episode is "Welcome To The Tombs." To be honest this episode was awful and boring. It seems there only were 2 1/2 mediocre ideas in this episode. 1) The whole Governor/ prison non-showdown. Snooze. 2) The Andrea/ Milton bonding fest with Andrea having no urgency even though she's about to become zombie food. 1/2) The increasingly fractured relationship between Rick and Carl. Those 2 1/2 ideas added to a bunch of filler filled up most of the entire hour of the show. (Although this was a very lame finale, it doesn't even come close to the crapfest finale of season 1 of "The Killing".)

Sadly when corporate America executives decide between creativity or making money, they are always going to go with making money. That was very obvious in this season finale with all the commercials.

My biggest gripe is that the Governor is still alive, I was expecting big things from his character. But his character has been a massive fail. As the season went on, the Governor became increasingly boring. The Governor almost became a parody of himself. Why didn't Andrea kill him when she had all those chances? Why did that kid have to get in the way when Merle shot at the Governor. A few weeks ago the Governor surviving to Season 4 was the thing I dreaded the most. At the end of this episode he's very much alive. When he was slaughtering his own people, why didn't Martinez frag him? Why does anyone still follow him? I can't think of one good reason for him to make a return in Season 4. ( has confirmed that David Morrissey, who plays the Governor, will be back in Season 4.)

My second biggest gripe is that I watch "The Walking Dead" for people vs. zombies. If I want to see people vs. people, I can watch almost any other show. Like the zombies this show features, this finale episode was brain dead.

The Governor torturing Milton was drawn out way too long, in fact that scene felt like filler. It started the episode off at a very slow pace. That was one of the 3 stories that was stretched out for the whole episode. I honestly didn't care what the resolution was, just that it got over quickly. The less said about this part of the show the better. Although I do sarcastically mock how long it took Andrea to get the pliers, that she would stop and talk to Milton and that her dying scene went on way too long. It seemed when the creative folks behind "The Walking Dead" ran out of ideas, they did one of two things. 1) Take an already boring story line and stretch it out. 2) Show another long set of commercials. Again thank goodness for the DVR. I started watching this show at 17 minutes after it started and after fast forwarding through all the commercials I almost caught up to the live show.

As for the 27 people killed in the episode: Andrea, Milton, Allen and a bunch of random nobodies. Just another thing that was anti-climactic in this episode. I guess you could call them the Woodburyites. But I was so uninterested in Milton and Allen that I couldn't even remember their names. As for Andrea, she could have been a good character. But for some reason she never became that. She represented the old bad "Walking Dead" where there was more boring speechifying than action. (See the incredibly boring first half of Season Two.)

The season had been promising a big showdown between Woodbury and the prison. But again took an idea and stretched it out way too long. Like the entire episode, that defined the word anti-climactic. The alleged showdown started out well. From earlier scenes we were lead to believe that Rick and friends had abandoned the prison. The Governor and army stormed the prison, blowing up two watch towers on the way in. I liked the idea that at first they didn't encounter any resistance. I truly believed that Rick et. al were gone.

The Woodburyites continued their trek through the prison and still hadn't encountered any resistance. They then go in an ominously dark tunnel, it seemed almost a signal that this is where the action is going to start. It was supposed to be so very scary as they ran into some booby traps and zombies. Incredulous alert: this well trained militia ran like a bunch of wimps. Really? Ridiculously they were so scared that they didn't even stop and regroup. No, they headed back to Woodbury as quickly as they could. Glenn and Maggie were waiting for them and strafed them with gun fire as the Woodburyites fled. Really? That was dumb! That was the big showdown the season had been promising? Lame!!

Then the Governor slaughtered most of the Woodburyites. After which he, Martinez and a no name left in his truck. Where did they go, who knows? But I have the feeling that we'll be seeing the boring Governor again. When you can bring back an absolutely boring character, why wouldn't you?

Good things about this episode:

1) It's good to have Tyrese back in the fold, although his character was completely wasted this season. Lets hope his sister (I think) is a good resilient character like Maggie, and not a lame boring character like Lori.

2) Speaking of Lori: after making another appearance in this episode, it seems she's permanently gone. I was so grateful when Rick looked up at the walkway at the end of the show and no longer saw Lori. Lori seriously was one of the worst characters in and decent show ever.

3) What's going to happen with Carl? That could be interesting. Of course I thought the same thing about the Governor and that ended up being extremely boring. Also it's been stretched out way too long.

4) Daryl, Glenn, Hershel, Maggie, Rick, Carol and Beth are all still alive. I'm excited about some of those characters more than others.

5) Although I wasn't excited about all those Woodburyites coming back to the prison, it does open up a Pandora's box. Let's hope there are some cool and interesting characters that come out of that group. I also hope that they will actually do something interesting with those cool characters.

6) Maybe with the new showrunner coming aboard this was a way to do a reset on the entire series. At this point there are so many intriguing possibilities this show could take.


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