Sunday, May 29, 2011

Do We Really Need 3D?


A recent article was about more people choosing to see the regular version of the 4th "Pirates of the Caribbean" than the 3D version. Why is that a surprise? I've seen several 3D movies in my life and not once have I heard someone saying "the 3D was amazing" or the 3D really made that movie a lot better." Usually when I'm leaving a 3D movie my only reaction is I can't wait to take off the dorky 3D glasses. Other than a greedy money making trick for movie studios to make more money, does it serve any purpose? I would say "no".

I saw two movies in 3D recently, the first was "Hoodwinked Too". First of all that's a horrible movie and there's really no reason for it to be made in the first place. Then if they really had to make it, there was no point making it into 3D. The fact that I had to pay $2 more dollars per ticket to see that piece of crap was egregious. That's out right theft. My son and I were the only ones in the theatre.

Then just this past weekend I saw "Kung Fu Panda 2" in the theatre with two of my kids. That was a better story and a better movie. However the 3D features were minimal, not that impressive and were completely superfluous. The extra money paid for a few extra bells and whistles wasn't worth it.

I know what you are thinking, $2 isn't that much more. That's true but multiply that by hundreds of movies I see by myself and with my kids and it quickly becomes a lot of money. Which of course is why the greedy movie theatres have it in the first place. Of course, the worst example of greedy movie studios having 3D is the recent "Clash of The Titans". Apparently the film was made and then later the 3D was added. It was terrible 3D, obviously just a pathetic money grab. Not only that but even "Titans" previews didn't make the movie look good. Obviously if the previews aren't good, then the movie sucks. I have no desire to ever see the movie. Since I haven't seen it yet, I can't give a true evaluation of it. Although the movie has been thrashed by critics and fans nationwide.

The main thing that I hate about 3D include the awkward fitting glasses. I also hate the minimal extra expense. Also I hate how the 3D movies aren't clearly marked in movie listings. Along with the movie's rating, whether it's in 3D should be specifically marked. If I have a choice between seeing a 3D movie and just a regular movie I will always pick the regular movie. 3D is one of those things that's nice every once-in-awhile as long as there's no extra cost. However it's not something that is important to the fan experience. I'd love to just go to a movie and not have to worry about it being 3D.

It's time for 3D to go away.


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