Tuesday, November 9, 2010

More Top 50, "Blue Bloods", Anberlin


To my non sports fans readers, I'll try to keep the sports references to a minimum in this blog entry. I'm excited to hear that "The Walking Dead" has been renewed for a second season. It will be a full 13 episode season. This first season is only showing 6 episodes. Cool, AMC strikes again. If only all television was that smart, TV may not be such a wasteland. Three of my favorite shows are on AMC: "Mad Men", "Rubicon" and "The Walking Dead".

I enjoyed "Hawaii Five-0" last night. I'd thought this was a show that I could miss and be okay with it. However last night's episode was very good. Another great episode. I love the show's sense-of-humor, an amazing cast and the touching story lines. My only qualm with it is how nicely the stories wrap up in 60 minutes. Thatt's too easy. Not every story has to end perfectly. There certainly can be some ambiguity about the ending and the bad guys can win sometimes. If "HF-0" has a great story they can stretch it into two episodes. OK one more complaint. What was up with the blatant commercialism of one character recommending to another character to "Bing it".

I continue seeing previews for "The Defenders" and I'm being seduced by it's subtle charms. I just might have to check out a couple of episodes. I also checked and it's on Comcast On Demand. By the way does anyone know if that piece of crap known as "The Event" is still on TV? Does anyone care? If the Dallas Cowboys were a TV show they would be "The Event" Except instead of just the coach, I'd want the whole show to be fired.

Also thanks to Comcast On Demand, I watched last week's episode of "Blue Bloods" last night. Another good episode with the bickering Reagan family. I'm really enjoying this show as well. Again it's too easy for their stories to be nicely resolved in 60 minutes as well. Like "Hawaii Five-0" they also can work on that and expand beyond 60 minutes if they have a good idea. Come on think outside the box a little. Also I love to watch this show just to see the gorgeous Bridget Moynahan. Seriously is she not an amazing looking woman?:

Also I'm looking forward to "No Ordinary Family" tonight, it wasn't on last week. I look forward to checking out "The Defenders" and episode 3 of "The Walking Dead".

The new Rolling Stone cover is out and it's.... Eminem? Really? One of the lamer rappers of all time. He joins Jay Z and Lil' Wayne as rappers on the cover of Rolling Stone this year. I just don't get the love for rap music. Please Rolling Stone you can do better than this. There are so many more deserving people out now. How about "The Walking Dead", "No Ordinary Family", Anberlin (Check out their new CD.) How about Sugarland, Taylor Swift or Rihanna, all have new music out now or will soon.

themusicaddict's Top 50 continued:

28) Warrant, On my Top 50 they are a debut and I have 21 of their songs on my iTunes. That's probably the least number of songs by any artist on my Top 50 list. That may explain why they weren't on my original Top 50. Of course, I'm also mystified why I had Poison at # 13. Warrant has a few more great songs than Poison. Warrant has about 15 great songs, whereas Poison only has 9 or 10. Here's a smattering of great Warrant songs.

Here's the ridiculously addicting "Cherry Pie": (The video isn't the most wholesome video, if you couldn't tell that already by the title.)

"32 Pennies In A Ragu Jar". I looked for a live version, but the sound was terrible on all the videos I found:

"Heaven" Sorry the sound is terrible again.

"Sometimes She Cries" and "Heaven"

Here's one of their best, but lesser known, songs: "So Damn Pretty Should Be Against The Law".

"Down Boys":

26) R.E.M.: They are also a debut on this list and I have 179 of their songs on my iTunes. Again I have no idea how this band didn't make it on my first Top 50. I love R.E.M.! I saw them back in the day and they were amazing. Even my ex-wife, who isn't big into music, was dancing and having a fun time at their concert. I would like to see them one more time. They have a new CD coming out in the spring, maybe they'll tour behind it. R.E.M is the 6th debut on this list. I have only 4 more debut artists on this list.

Probably my favorite R.E.M. song, "Don't Go Back To Rockville". Again the live videos for this song suck, so here's the studio version:

Some songs are love songs, this is a hate song. "The One I Love":

"Man On The Moon":

"Orange Crush":

For you kids at home, that thing that Dave Letterman is holding is called a "record". That's where the phrase record stores come from. They were also called "albums" and sometimes "record albums". In the evolutionary history of recorded music: 78 RPM's, 8 Track Tapes, Albums/45's, CDs and now finally and thank goodness iTunes.

"Radio Free Europe":

Yes I know this isn't the most popular R.E.M. song, but I love it. "Shiny Happy People":

"It's The End of The World As We Know It and I Feel Fine":

"What's The Frequency Kenneth?"

This is a friend's book, "Wilderness" he's drawing attention to the book he has written. Check it out on facebook. Here's the link: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=304984697029 He describes the book as: "I've written a novel called “Wilderness” which I'm sending out to agents (think "Calvin and Hobbes" written by Neil Gaiman)" He also says "one who friends the group will not get any messages from me, they will just be helping a young aspiring novelist." That's a worthy cause.


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