Monday, November 22, 2010

"Unstoppable", "Fred Claus"


Due to busy lives of people in my family, we had our Thanksgiving celebration this past Saturday. It was the four Fs, food, family, football and a film. Some of us went and saw "Megamind" and some of us went and saw "Unstoppable".

I'll get my biases and thoughts out about how good or not of a movie this could be up front. First of all I love Denzel Washington. He's the man, he's a great actor and has so much charisma. I even loved him in the movie "Training Day". I thought that was a terrible movie, but he was so great in it. Unfortunately Washington's movies haven't been as good lately, but he always does a good job in them. To be honest I thought "Unstoppable" might suck and I didn't have high hopes for it.

However boy was I wrong what a great movie, the tension in the movie slowly builds up. It reminds me a lot of the Clint Eastwood film "In The Line of Fire". In both the tension builds up expertly, but the payoff in "Unstoppable" is much higher.

Denzel Washington is great and so is Chris Pine. Rosario Dawson is also very good. A great cast, a great story and a great film.

I put "Fred Clause" in the title of this blog and didn't write about it. I also realized I spelled it wrong. How dumb is that? Anyway my review of this movie, it started out okay but ended lame. It was sort of boring, even my kids thought it was boring. That's surprising as they usually like anything kid oriented. Two good things I can say about this film is that Paul Giamatti is excellent in this as Santa Claus.

The second thing is this is the most attractive Santa's helper I've ever seen. Although did there really need to be cleavage in a kids film? However Elizabeth Banks is gorgeous in this movie:

"The Walking Dead" is starting to lose a bit of it's luster for me. Although I did like that the gang that appeared to be bad actually had a soft side. I like how it was a nurse and a janitor that stayed and kept the nursing home patients alive. That was a nice twist. I enjoyed that Rick left some guns to the people in the nursing home. Thankfully there was also more action in this episode.

Three things I'm not understanding: 1) Why aren't the survivors trying to kill large groups of the zombies. The zombies are drawn by sound and run purely on instinct, it seems they can kill a large group of the zombies at one time. (See Stephen King's "The Cell". 2) Why isn't there more society building? It seems these scattered groups should be running into other scattered groups and rebuilding society. 3) Also it was amazing how fast Rick and company got back to the camp without a vehicle last night.

I continue to enjoy "Blue Bloods" and I like that Tom Selleck's character shot the pervert who was attacking his daughter. That was true justice. I've also started watching "The Good Wife". I've watched only the last three episodes. There's a lot I've missed on that I'm slowly catching up on. I'm not sure how long I'll watch the show, but for now it's better than a lot of stuff on TV.

I'm still enjoying "Hawaii Five-0" and am looking forward to meeting Danno's ex-wife tonight.


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