Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"The Good Wife", what a great show


In what was probably the last "The Good Wife" during Christmas season, last night's "9 Hours" was amazing. The few episodes I've seen have been high quality, but this was the best episode that I've seen. It starts off with a dream by Alicia of her and Will enjoying intimacy. She wakes up and it takes her a few seconds to realize it was just a dream. It seems she was a little disappointed and also felt guilty about that. She wakes up right before the first of many people come into her bedroom to use their bathroom. Later she tells Will she'd like to have a "moment", the series is trying to lead you to think exactly what she means. However don't drink the kool aid yet, it could just be a misdirection ploy by the show's writers.

The episode's central drama surrounds a man that may be innocent but he's about to be executed. So Alicia Florrik and associates only have 9 hours to get a stay of his execution. She's ably helped by the very attractive Kalinda Sharma (Archie Panjabi- yes that's really her name). I love the looks Zack Florrick gives her every time he sees her. He acts like this beautiful woman is coming to my house? Then of course Zack needs to use the bathroom, when his Mom and Kalinda are in her bedroom.

Anyway we see reconciliation of the father on death row and his daughter as he's heading to the place where he's about to die. I'm not sure if it's just me, but it seems like the show wants you to think that the accused is actually innocent. That would make it doubly important for the stay of execution. Of course that just added to the tension that helped make this such a great episode.

Anyway at the end of the show, through deft legal maneuvering and some outside help, Lockhart Gardner and Bond are able to get a stay of execution. Also they are probably going to be able to get their client a retrial.

Obviously Grace Florrick's friend is trying to get her to become religious. Calling a church camp a social thing. Uh huh! She then explains to her how to pray. I recognize missionary zeal when I see it. Grace coming to religion has been a theme over the last few episodes. I love how Alicia and the grandmother seem to be a little perplexed about their daughter praying. Does the fact that we are about to celebrate Christ's birthday have anything to do with her new found religious interest? Also her name, Grace, seems to be a hint as well. The character's name doesn't seem to be accidental. It will be interesting to see how that turns out.

This is a very thoughtful and respectful show, I hope they don't start to mock religion. Prayer is very soothing to many people and many people gain a lot from their religious beliefs. I know I do.

I love how clever this show is and how many layers there are, you can read so much into the show see above paragraph. My blog doesn't do justice to how great this episode was. But I do have one question, why didn't someone just unclog the toilet? Was that an attempt at a running gag? Was the point that now Alicia has to work, the toilet isn't her responsibility any more? (I'm trying to not make any gender assumptions here, I'm just trying to figure out the point.) It must be important as the clogged toilet was mentioned at least 4 or 5 times, I have a couple of those instances above. If someone has some insight, I'd like to hear it.

One thing that's blocking me from being more knowledgeable about this show is that I've only seen a few episodes. Someday I'd like to watch all of Season 1, that would fill in a lot of blanks.


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