Sunday, October 28, 2012

Prayers To Those In The Path of Hurricane Sandy.


I'm overwhelmed by the news of Hurricane Sandy and the monumentally destructive impact it could have on the Eastern Coast of the United States. I'm praying for all of you that are in the way. I urge you to leave if possible, if not to prepare as well as you can.

With the power going to out for a week to 10 days, I urge you to get as much water as possible. I realize that the areas in the pathway of Sandy are having shortages, but do what you can. is my personal favorite news website. It always has excellent and up to date information. I discovered during the Bush-Gore election mess and it's my go to news site now for when any big news story breaks.

From, via FEMA, here are the supplies you should have:

- Non-perishable food that can be eaten easily and without heat- enough for at least three days. Again you should probably have as much as you can.

- Bottled water (enough for at least three days), at least a gallon per person. I would suggest that's the barest minimum. This is probably something you can't over prepare for.

- Radio (hand crank or battery powered)

- Flashlights (with extra batteries of course)

- First-aid supplies

- Wrenches and any tools you can have handy.

- Batteries

- Cleaning supplies.

My additions to the above list:

- Diapers, wipes and anything else needed to take care of small children.

- Spare food for your pets as well.

- Perhaps have some maps handy to any kind of shelters if staying in your house becomes untenable.

- Perhaps get some ice and coolers for things like milk.

- The best outdoor weather gear in case you are forced out in the storm.

- Make sure your car is full of gas. Some people may panic and the lines could be long at gas stations. Plus there may not be gas shipments either for several days.

Many places also sell 72 hour kits. It's basically enough food and water to last one person with everything they need for 72 hours. If possible you should have at least one for every person you'll be riding the storm out with. They usually come with food, water, blankets and pretty much every other needed thing.

God bless, themusicaddict

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