Friday, April 9, 2010

Divorce class


The following blog post is brought to you by sarcasm. Today is the 3 hour divorce class, what a waste of time. Why do I have to go to a class about something that I've already have done successfully? Then when I get home from that I have to go see the frakin' lawyer- another waste of time. On this beautiful Spring day, a day I have off, 6 hours is going to be wasted on those two things. I have so many other things that I can do that would be so much more productive.

My wife can't wait to do this so we can get the divorce done asap. Then she acts surprised I'm bitter. Let's see she ripped out my heart, threw it on the ground and stomped on it. Then she's surprised I'm bitter? What does she expect a pathway of roses?

This is not a time of celebration. We were iming last night and we were arguing about whether pain is a good motivator. I said "no", with my pain all I want to do is to deaden it. It hasn't inspired me to do anything, I also understand why people drink. I've made some changes in my life, they were inspired by my love for my wife and kids. Pain just wants to make me give up.


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