Monday, April 12, 2010

A long week


My wife and I are going through a divorce right now and unfortunately it's starting to get ugly. However for the record I want to say I love my wife still very much and I always will. We both also love our 4 kids as well. This is not a rip on my wife blog. My wife is an amazing woman. This is the journey of an extremely painful divorce blog. I also write about music every once-in-a-while.

Today is a long week at my new job. I'll be working about 59 hours this week from Monday through Saturday. I'm not looking forward to that, although I so appreciate having the job. It's so much better than my job with Verizon Wireless. If I was going to design myself a job, the job I have at Ambassador Bookstores would almost be what I design. I only have those long hours 8 weeks a year. Typical weeks are like what I worked last week when I only worked 33 hours. Thanks Ambassador for the job and thanks Verizon Wireless for firing me so I would be available for this job.

I'll be glad when these two weeks are over with though because I can go back to exercising. My weight has sort of plateaued since I started working, that's because my exercise has plateaued since I started working. On my typical schedule I should be able to exercise 4 times a week. I've still lost 18.5 pounds though. I'm glad about that and I can fit into my nice suits again.

I love you S, T, M, M and D.


1 comment:

Stefanie said...
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